Neum has many hotels and is an important tourism destination. The country's name comes from the two regions Bosnia and Herzegovina, which have a very vaguely defined border between them. Bosnia occupies the northern areas which are roughly four ..... Stolac, the Begovina neighborhood and Radimlja tombstones;; Višegrad, the site of the Mehmed Paša Sokolović Bridge;; Visoko, site of the alleged Bosnian pyramids;; Tešanj, one of the oldest cities in Bosnia with its old town; ...
JC, influence héllénistique), le château médiéval de Stari Grad qui est l'un des plus anciens et des plus grands forts de Bosnie-Herzégovine, les sépultures bogomiles de Radimlja datant du haut Moyen-âge, le tr?s riche patrimoine ottoman ( mosquées, ... Hébergement possible : Chez l'habitant ? Stolac, hôtels Pocitelj, hôtels et pensions ? Mostar, Blagaj et Trebinje. Tous les détails des concerts, expositions et autres événements vous seront donnés sur place, mais nous vous ...
Građanski salon, pariški bordel i hotel na jugu Francuske mjesta su zapleta i raspleta tragičnog bračnog nesuglasja. Nazivan piscem ?ludih dvadesetih? Henri Duvernois bio je cijenjen od svojih suvremenika poput Marcela Prousta ili Jeana .... JASNA MESARIĆ: ?STEĆCI RADIMLJA? (premijera). ČETVRTAK, 11.veljače. 18,00 ? 19,00 HR, III program. RADIO DRAMA IRIS SUPEK: ?SLAGANJE VREMENA? Režija: Dejan Šorak Djetinjstvo opterećeno sjećanjima na mnoge povijesne nesporazume. ...